
See What Other Parents Say About Us

"It’s super convenient to take classes online with WeSpeaky. I can easily reschedule the class if we are not available, I get a feedback report after every class and I can also chat with the teacher in the group."

Tracy Parent

"課程內容對來說非常互小朋友動和有趣,亦都可以在課堂後完成在線功課作業和打印功課。 我嘅女喺課堂上成日好興奮"

Henry Lau Parent

"My 5-year-old girl was really shy and hesitant to speak at first but the teacher was so patient and energetic, so she started speaking more and more. I can see a clear improvement in her English speaking and confidence just after 4 months of classes."

Mandy Chan Parent

"學英文對所有小朋友進入最好嘅學校都非常重要,所以我確保我嘅仔同母語為英文嘅老師學.老師真係好有經驗,我嘅孩子喺3个月度進步咗好多. "

Jasmine Parent

"It’s super convenient to take classes online with WeSpeaky. I can easily reschedule the class if we are not available, I get a feedback report after every class and I can also chat with the teacher in the group."

Tracy Parent

"課程內容對來說非常互小朋友動和有趣,亦都可以在課堂後完成在線功課作業和打印功課。 我嘅女喺課堂上成日好興奮"

Henry Lau Parent

"My 5-year-old girl was really shy and hesitant to speak at first but the teacher was so patient and energetic, so she started speaking more and more. I can see a clear improvement in her English speaking and confidence just after 4 months of classes."

Mandy Chan Parent

"學英文對所有小朋友進入最好嘅學校都非常重要,所以我確保我嘅仔同母語為英文嘅老師學.老師真係好有經驗,我嘅孩子喺3个月度進步咗好多. "

Jasmine Parent

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